Do you ever have those times when you have items on your agenda for the day but you are tired and just not up to the task? Sometimes we have no choice but more often we really do have choices. Sometimes we trudge through our work because we “should”. We forget the importance of the stillness and rest. Guilty as charged.
Today, I am tired. I went inside to hear what messages were waiting for me from the animal spirits or others who might have a message for me. I was given permission to rest ;-). Spirit advised me that I need to rest in preparation for the half day class I am teaching near Prairie du Sac this Saturday. Well, curious about that, I asked for more information. (See still not resting.)
The class is being held at the Bluff Trail Labyrinth, a very magical place. I first learned about this place when I met the creator, Melanie, last year at the Holistic Horse Fair. The story of this labyrinth is truly special and I encourage you to read about it and experience it if you have the opportunity.
If you have ever walked a labyrinth you may know that it is about the journey, a process that unfolds with the walk out of the labyrinth being as important as the walk in.
To me it represents the journey we all have available, the journey within to Spirit. It is a great metaphor for the process of communicating with animals which is as much about the journey inside as it is about the journey outward to the animal’s spirit. I see my purpose as a guide to help the student journey inward to listen inside to their own innate wisdom as a prelude to opening up to hear the animals.
When I asked what I needed to know for this class (I always go to Spirit for guidance before teaching a class), Spirit shared that several animals will show up for the class, Hawk, Squirrel, Rabbit and Raccoon (from a distance). Most importantly will be Raven. Listen to what Raven has to share with you and your class I was told. Raven will give you direction.
Raven is known for magic and shape shifting among other attributes. Some associate Raven with the darkness and the void which has different interpretations. What Raven shared with me about the class was that Raven is known to teach people to understand the language of animals. Raven will be there to teach us all how to stir the magic of life without fear; to activate the energy of magic and link it with our will and intention. Each of us has a magician within and Raven can show us how to bring that part of darkness into the light.
Get quiet, go inside and see what magic Raven has waiting for you. There is much to be discovered and many jewels to be uncovered.
Saturday’s class is being held outdoors at the labyrinth so we can accommodate more people if you are interested. The weather will be beautiful and the day magical. Contact Melanice directly here.
Okay, now as promised, I am going to rest.
P.S. Just as I was finishing this post….Raven flew by the window of my office ;-).
Kathy Brockman says
Thank you for your newsletters…I love hearing from the animals. I am at a workshop in Chicago this weekend…Healing Touch for Animals but I look forward to taking a communication class in the future!
I am retiring from my job as a school nurse so if you could change my email to the one above I can continue to get your newsletters
Thank you!
Wendy Wolfe says
Kathy, your email has been changed! The animals are waiting for your healing touch.